Popular Drugs of Abuse: Symbols & Common Names

Here is a list of popular drugs of abuse and their corresponding drug testing symbols:

Alphabetical (A-Z)

Symbol Drug Name/Family Street & Prescription Names
6AM 6-Acetylmorphine Heroin/Morphine metabolite
AMP Amphetamines Speed, Uppers, Phentermine, other
BAR Barbiturates Downers, Seconal, Butisol, Mebaral, other
BUP Buprenorphine Suboxone, Buprenex, Subutex, other
BZO Benzodiazepines Benzos, Valium, Xanax, Klonopin, Ativan, other
COC Cocaine Coke, Crack, Snow, Blow, etc.
FEN/FTY Fentanyl China White, Apache, Actiq, Duragesic, Sublimaze, other
K2 Synthetic Cannabinoid K2, Spice, Incense, etc.
mAMP Methamphetamine Meth, Crystal, Ice, Glass, etc.
MOP/MOR Morphine M, MS Contin, Roxanol, Kadian, other
MDMA Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Ecstasy, Molly, X, etc.
MTD Methadone Dolophine, Methados, Diskets, other
OPI Opiates H, Heroin, Smack, Codeine, Morphine, Opium, etc.
OXY Oxycodone Oxy, Percocet, OxyContin, Roxicodone, other
PCP Phencyclidine PCP, Angel Dust, etc.
PPX Propoxyphene Darvocet, Darvon, PP-Cap, other
TCA Tricyclic Antidepressants Amitriptyline, Nortriptyline, Imipramine, other
THC Tetrahydrocannabinol Marijuana, Weed, Pot, Ganja, Mary Jane, etc.
TRA Tramadol ConZip, Ultram, other

Please note that this table is not an exhaustive list for drugs of abuse or the street and prescription names for these drugs. Drug trends, slang terms, and street names are constantly evolving and may vary by region or among different social groups.


Popularity of Usage in the U.S. (Highest-Lowest) Updated 12/1/2022

Symbol Drug Name/Family Street & Prescription Names
THC Tetrahydrocannabinol Marijuana, Weed, Pot, Ganja, Mary Jane, etc.
BZO Benzodiazepines Benzos, Valium, Xanax, Klonopin, Ativan, other
OPI Opiates H, Heroin, Smack, Codeine, Morphine, Opium, etc.
OXY Oxycodone Oxy, Percocet, OxyContin, Roxicodone, other
mAMP Methamphetamine Meth, Crystal, Ice, Glass, etc.
COC Cocaine Coke, Crack, Snow, Blow, etc.
AMP Amphetamines Speed, Uppers, Phentermine, other
FEN/FTY Fentanyl China White, Apache, Actiq, Duragesic, Sublimaze, other
MTD Methadone Dolophine, Methados, Diskets, other
MDMA Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Ecstasy, Molly, X, etc.
BUP Buprenorphine Suboxone, Buprenex, Subutex, other
6AM 6-Acetylmorphine Heroin/Morphine metabolite
MOP/MOR Morphine M, MS Contin, Roxanol, Kadian, other
PCP Phencyclidine PCP, Angel Dust, etc.
K2 Synthetic Cannabinoid K2, Spice, Incense, etc.
TRA Tramadol ConZip, Ultram, other
BAR Barbiturates Downers, Seconal, Butisol, Mebaral, other
PPX Propoxyphene Darvocet, Darvon, PP-Cap, other
TCA Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs) Amitriptyline, Nortriptyline, Imipramine, other

Usage popularity ranking is for the United States as of the end of 2021, based on compiled and estimated data from Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


Disclaimer: The information presented in this article is intended for informational purposes only. RiskProducts.com is not a law firm, and no attorneys were employed or consulted in the compilation of the information contained herein. It is highly recommended that users consult with an attorney or a drug testing expert before making any policy decisions based, in part or in whole, on the information contained in this article. All forms of diagnostic and employment testing must be conducted in compliance with applicable state and federal laws. Ensuring compliance is the sole responsibility of the user of this information and the entity they represent.